Neurologische Intensivmedizin 2018/2019

Professor Michalski aus Leipzig hat mit einigen Kollegen die aktuelle Studienlage für die Neurologische Intensivmedizin aus 2018/2019 zusammengefasst:

Michaelski D, et al. Neurologische Intensivmedizin. Intensivmedizinische Studien aus 2018/2019. Der Anästhesist 2019, (PDF)

Dabei geht es um:

Intracerebrale Blutungen:

  • Al-Shahi Salman R, Frantzias J, Lee RJ et al (2018) Absolute risk and predictors of the growth of acute spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage: a systematic review and metaanalysis of individual patient data. Lancet Neurol 17:885–894
  • Kuramatsu JB, Sembill JA, Gerner ST et al (2018) Management of therapeutic anticoagulation in patients with intracerebral haemorrhage and mechanical heart valves. Eur Heart J 39: 1709–1723

Mechanische Thrombektomie

  • Fuhrer H, Schönenberger S, Niesen WD et al (2019) Endovascular stroke treatment’s impact on malignant type of edema (ESTIMATE). J Neurol 266:223–231
  • Campbell BCV, Majoie CBLM, Albers GW et al (2019) Penumbral imaging and functional outcome in patients with anterior circulation ischaemic stroke treated with endovascular thrombectomy versus medical therapy: a metaanalysis of individual patient-level data. Lancet Neurol 18:46–55
  • Pandhi A, Tsivgoulis G, Ishfaq MF et al (2019) Mechanical thrombectomy outcomes in large vessel stroke with high international normalized ratio. J Neurol Sci 396:193–198
  • Pfaff JAR, Schönenberger S, Nagel S et al (2018) Effect of general anesthesia versus conscious sedation for stroke thrombectomy on angiographic workflow in a randomized trial: a post hoc analysis of the SIESTA trial. Radiology 286:1016–1021
  • Rasmussen M, Espelund US, Juul N et al (2018) The influence of blood pressure manage- ment on neurological outcome in endovascular therapy for acute ischaemic stroke. Br J Anaesth 120:1287–1294

Raumfordernder Hirninfarkt

  • Gul W, Fuller HR, Wright H et al (2018) A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effectiveness of surgical decompression in treating patients with malignant middle cerebral artery infarction. World Neurosurg 120: e902–920
  • Kimberly WT, Bevers MB, von Kummer R et al (2018) Effect of IV glyburide on adjudicated edema endpoints in the GAMES-RP trial. Neurology 91:e2163–2169


  • van der Worp HB, Macleod MR, Bath PMW et al (2019) Therapeutic hypothermia for acute ischaemic stroke. Results of a European multicentre, randomised, phase III clinical trial. Eur Stroke J Apr 20. 2396987319844690
  • Neugebauer H, Schneider H, Bösel J et al (2019) Outcomes of hypothermia in addition to decompressive hemicraniectomy in treatment of malignant middle cerebral artery stroke: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Neurol Jan 18. 2018.4822

Status epilepticus

  • Madžar D, Reindl C, Giede-Jeppe A et al (2018) Impact of timing of continuous intravenous anesthetic drug treatment on outcome in refractory status epilepticus. Crit Care 22:317

Lesen Sie die Details hier: PDF

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